Monday, 11 December 2017


No Nuclear; OK!

You need 85% of the UK landmass for Biomass Energy!

You need to ring the UK 3 times in Tidal/Wave Power Systems!

You need so many Offshore Wind Turbines you can’t get any shipping in and out of the United Kingdom!

OK, fine: Start Ramping Up the Nukes; let’s see what happens.
The killer thing that changes the whole game is the electrification of the Transport Sector.
Our 80 GW Grid has to go up to [a] 320 GW Grid.

The answer is: A Third – A Third – A Third

It’s a third Renewables; that’s 100 GW. We currently have around about 5 [GW] AND THAT’S INTERMITTENT!

We need 100 GW of Fossil Fuels with Sequestration. SEQUESTRATION IS AN UNPROVEN TECHNOLOGY!

We therefore need at least 100 GW OF NUCLEAR!!

...How many organisations can stomach, on their balance sheets, construction of Nuclear Power Plants over billions of £s? But we have to find a solution to this…

…..But it could be bright for the UK. We can get to the first tranche of 16 GW; we can go up to 32 [GW]; we may even get higher, up to 75 [GW]. We could be looking at going back to Generation IV systems.


Sunday, 26 November 2017

We could have saved Bill-Payers £31 billion from the cost of HPC !

We could have saved Bill-Payers £31 billion from the cost of HPC !


Copied this leaked 'newsflash' from the webpage of 'Frank A Kenuce Energy Investments':
Rumours abound around the corridors of the BEIS.

Greg Clark asked – How come Moray East Offshore Windfarm (MEOW), which will only generate electricity for a third of the time, will be built miles out at sea, has to wait for calm seas to get repairs done and only lasts for 25 years, can manage to sell their electricity for £57.50/MWh for the first 15 years?

Whereas, Hinkley Point C (HPC) generates 90% of the time, is being built in a very pleasant part of the Country, has a complete infrastructure for O & M (Operation & Maintenance), carries on generating for 60 years, but still ‘needs’ paying  £92.50/MWh for its first 35 years!
Of course, he’ll never tell us the answers he got back, because the Coalition Government’s negotiator – the Tory appointed Ed Davey, had every drop of blood squeezed out of him by pro-negotiator Vincent De Rivaz.

Davey, caught between a rock and a hard place and in need of progression towards meeting mandatory carbon targets, knew HPC would give him 7% of low-carbon electricity needs at one fell swoop. So it was £92.50/MWh or walk-away nothing; nothing was not an option!
But it’s said that the coincidence of HPC costing £18,000 million and MEOW £1,800 million made him demand some cost and earnings figures for 10x MEOWs, compared to HPC  - with HPC getting the £57.50/MWh CfD rate, instead of £92.50.

It had been pointed out to him wind turbine generation degrades by about 1.6% p.a.. 
‘Powering 950,000 homes’ [from MEOW’s website], drops to 758,000 homes after 15 years and down to 645,000 homes by the end of its 25 year lifespan. Earnings in the 25th year are almost down to 50% of the earnings in the 1st year.
To keep it simple, he just wanted the main cost factors – CAPITAL, 'O & M' and 'DECOMMISSIONING' – deducting from the earnings. The O & M [+ Fuel]figure for nuclear is lower than offshore wind, which is understandable considering the 'calm-seas' access issue. However, HPC has a massive decommissioning/waste handling/storage cost, whereas offshore wind decommissioning cost is only a small % of of capital cost.
HPC Earnings:
At £57.50/MWh for 35 years, £50,773 million.
At (today’s) £42.00/MWh for 25 years, £26,490 million.
Total: £77,263 million.

HPC Costs:
Capital: £18,000 million
O & M [+ Fuel] @ £16.14/MWh: £24,442 million.
Decommissioning/ Waste Handling and Storage £7,300 million.
Total: £49,742 million.

HPC 'Earnings – Costs': £27,521 million.
10 x MEOW Earnings:
At £57.50/MWh for 15 years: £24,211 million.
At (today’s) £42.00/MWh for 10 years: £9,940 million.
Total: £34,151 million.

10 x MEOW Costs:
Capital: £18,000 million.
O & M: @ £19.78/MWh: £12,854 million.
Decommissioning at £200,000/MW: £1,900 million.
Total: £32,754 million

10 x MEOW 'Earnings – Costs': £1,397 million.

At a CfD rate of £57.50/MWh, HPC’s 'Earnings – Costs' is 19.7X as much as the figure for the same amount of money invested in offshore wind.

At £92.50/MWh instead of £57.50/MWh for 35 years, the poor old bill-payers, will be forking out £76,028 million'!! 'Donating’ a top up to HPC's 'JACKPOT' of:

HPC 'Earnings – Costs': £76,028 -£45,123 million = +£30,905 million.

£31 Billion, Give or Take!!!


Sunday, 27 August 2017

24/7 electricity or intermittent electricity at 2.25X the Cost - A Real Head-Scratcher!

Ever year, a single 220 MW Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactor [SMR] will supply 24/7, low-carbon electricity to 410,431 UK homes from an 0.08 sq km site.

Every year, the 215 wind turbines of the 539 MW Whitelee Onshore Wind Farm will deliver intermittent electricity to 298,837 UK homes from a 78 sq km site on ancient peat bog.

The capacity of Whitelee would have to increase by 37.3% to supply the same number of homes as a 220 MW SMR. That would take the number of turbines up to 295, with a rating of 740 MW on a site expanded to 107 sq km.

Best Estimate of SMR Overnight Cost to Compare to the Overnight Cost of Onshore Wind Farms:

£5,000/kWe is 'Best Fit' for a Rolls-Royce SMR.
  • A 220 MW SMR should cost £1.1 billion.
  • Whitelee Onshore Wind Farm costs £600 million, but increasing capacity by 37.3% would take that up to £824 million.


However, that's not the end of the story:

  • The SMR will deliver 24/7, low-carbon electricity for 60 years.
  • Whitelee will deliver low-carbon electricity for only 20 years. 
  • A 2nd wind farm would have to be built - that's 40 years. 
  • A 3rd would have to be built before the same amount of electricity was delivered as the single SMR.
    • A single 220 MW SMR delivers as much 24/7 electricity as the intermittent electricity delivered by 3 x 295 wind turbines - that's 885 wind turbines - with an installed capacity of 2,220 MW
    • Equivalent Onshore Wind Farms would 3 x £824 million = £2.472 billion.

    • An Onshore Wind Farms cost 2.25X more to build than a single SMR.
    • An Onshore Wind Farm installation, of 295 wind turbines, occupies 1,338X more area.

    Saturday, 18 February 2017

    Nuclear Power: Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

    In 2017 invest £18 billion in Offshore Wind. Between 2019 and 2044, Income received will be:  £57.42 billion.

    In 2017 invest £18 billion in Hinkley Point C. Between 2025 and 2044, Income received will be:  £80.31 billion.

    40% more from Nuclear Power !

    And Then ???
    By the end of HPC's 60 year Design Life - in 2085
    Income received will be:  £300.57 billion.
    Out if that will have to come the £7.2 billion for decommissioning, waste handling and storage.

    That leaves:
         £293.37 billion.

    That's 3.65X more than the income from Offshore Wind.

    Calculations and references below.


    "...The strike price for Hinkley Point C remains set at £92.50/MWh......These figures are in 2012 prices.......The Hinkley Point C contract will last for 35 years, the strike price is fully indexed to inflation through the Consumer Price Index..."
    Hinkley Point C Contract Terms

    "... In summary, the approach to the standard CfD contract terms is as set out 
    in August, with a 15 year contract for renewable technologies, with 
    payments indexed to inflation (CPI)..."
    Table 1 [Page 7]: Strike Prices £/MWh (2012 prices) - Offshore Wind 2018/19:  £140.00
    Renewable Technologies - Key Points on Contract Terms.


    Final Score:
    Chinese Government - 3.65
    UK Government - 1

    Monday, 6 February 2017

    Secrets Revealed About the UK's Biggest Onshore Wind Farm! - Cost

     And The Truth Will Set You Free ! 

    Whitelee 1 & 2 Cost £600 million.
    Whitelee will deliver intermittent electricity every year to 298,837 homes [at 4,266 kWh p.a.] for its 20 year lifespan. That's equivalent to 5,976,740 homes.

    By comparison:
    Page 51, Figure 21. Current Study (adjusted - mature designs)

    A single 440 MW SMR will deliver 24/7 electricity every year to 813,165 homes [at 4,266 kWh p.a.] for its 60 year Design Life. That's equivalent to 48,789,900 homes.
    8 Whitelee-sized wind farms would have to built to deliver the same amount of Intermittent Electricity as the 24/7 Electricity from a single Rolls-Royce 
    440 MW SMR.
    The cost of 8 Whitelee-sized windfarms would be 
    £4,800 million
    A Rolls-Royce 440 MW SMR costs £2,200 million
    For the same capital investment, a single SMR will deliver over 2X more [24/7] Low-Carbon Electricity than the [Intermittent] Low-Carbon Electricity from Onshore Windfarms !!!  
    Hot Off The Press 22/09/2017.

    "...Often, due to the inefficiency of Scotland’s grid system and the remoteness of many wind farms, the energy they generate cannot then be transported elsewhere and practical battery storage systems don’t yet exist.

    In many instances, onshore wind operators will be asked by the National Grid to power down to prevent them producing an excess of energy that cannot be used.

    Each time this happens the wind farm in question will receive a sizable constraint payment through the Renewables Obligation.

    The ScottishPower-Renewables-owned Whitelee wind farm in East Ayrshire has received almost £20million over the last two years.

    If the Whitelee Extension is considered, then the total jumps to £27.8million over 2016/17.

    Since 2010, the Whitelee project as a whole has been paid a total of more than £73million in constraint payments..."