Saturday, 18 February 2017

Nuclear Power: Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

In 2017 invest £18 billion in Offshore Wind. Between 2019 and 2044, Income received will be:  £57.42 billion.

In 2017 invest £18 billion in Hinkley Point C. Between 2025 and 2044, Income received will be:  £80.31 billion.

40% more from Nuclear Power !

And Then ???
By the end of HPC's 60 year Design Life - in 2085
Income received will be:  £300.57 billion.
Out if that will have to come the £7.2 billion for decommissioning, waste handling and storage.

That leaves:
     £293.37 billion.

That's 3.65X more than the income from Offshore Wind.

Calculations and references below.


"...The strike price for Hinkley Point C remains set at £92.50/MWh......These figures are in 2012 prices.......The Hinkley Point C contract will last for 35 years, the strike price is fully indexed to inflation through the Consumer Price Index..."
Hinkley Point C Contract Terms

"... In summary, the approach to the standard CfD contract terms is as set out 
in August, with a 15 year contract for renewable technologies, with 
payments indexed to inflation (CPI)..."
Table 1 [Page 7]: Strike Prices £/MWh (2012 prices) - Offshore Wind 2018/19:  £140.00
Renewable Technologies - Key Points on Contract Terms.


Final Score:
Chinese Government - 3.65
UK Government - 1

Monday, 6 February 2017

Secrets Revealed About the UK's Biggest Onshore Wind Farm! - Cost

 And The Truth Will Set You Free ! 

Whitelee 1 & 2 Cost £600 million.
Whitelee will deliver intermittent electricity every year to 298,837 homes [at 4,266 kWh p.a.] for its 20 year lifespan. That's equivalent to 5,976,740 homes.

By comparison:
Page 51, Figure 21. Current Study (adjusted - mature designs)

A single 440 MW SMR will deliver 24/7 electricity every year to 813,165 homes [at 4,266 kWh p.a.] for its 60 year Design Life. That's equivalent to 48,789,900 homes.
8 Whitelee-sized wind farms would have to built to deliver the same amount of Intermittent Electricity as the 24/7 Electricity from a single Rolls-Royce 
440 MW SMR.
The cost of 8 Whitelee-sized windfarms would be 
£4,800 million
A Rolls-Royce 440 MW SMR costs £2,200 million
For the same capital investment, a single SMR will deliver over 2X more [24/7] Low-Carbon Electricity than the [Intermittent] Low-Carbon Electricity from Onshore Windfarms !!!  
Hot Off The Press 22/09/2017.

"...Often, due to the inefficiency of Scotland’s grid system and the remoteness of many wind farms, the energy they generate cannot then be transported elsewhere and practical battery storage systems don’t yet exist.

In many instances, onshore wind operators will be asked by the National Grid to power down to prevent them producing an excess of energy that cannot be used.

Each time this happens the wind farm in question will receive a sizable constraint payment through the Renewables Obligation.

The ScottishPower-Renewables-owned Whitelee wind farm in East Ayrshire has received almost £20million over the last two years.

If the Whitelee Extension is considered, then the total jumps to £27.8million over 2016/17.

Since 2010, the Whitelee project as a whole has been paid a total of more than £73million in constraint payments..."