Sunday, 23 November 2014

It's Googlicide - Renewables Murdered - And It's Google In The Dock!

Ross Koningstein - PhD Aerospace Engineering. 
David Fork - PhD Applied Physics.

Now here's two guys who should know a thing or two about energy systems. On different trajectories they'll have learned all that needs to be known about the Laws of Thermodynamics and the efficiency of heat engines.

So, talking about Climate Change - what do they conclude?
"...Today's renewable energy technologies won't save us..."

What Else?

"...Google’s boldest energy move was an effort known as RE<C, which aimed to develop renewable energy sources that would generate electricity more cheaply than coal-fired power plants do.....Its aspirational goal: to produce a gigawatt of renewable power more cheaply than a coal-fired plant could, and to achieve this in years, not decades..."

What Happened?

In 2011, the company decided that RE<C was not on track to meet its target and shut down the initiative.

So what now for these two?

Ultimately, the two of us were given a new challenge. Alfred Spector, Google’s vice president of research, asked us to reflect on the project, examine its underlying assumptions, and learn from its failures.

And What's Been Learned From The Failure?


The title of their article: What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change

But apparently neither highly educated individual has ever heard of Gen IV Breeder Reactors (be they IFRs or MSRs).

They have no problem in acknowledging James Hansen as " of the world's foremost experts on climate change..." and using Hansen's climate model.

Maybe they should follow Hansen's thinking on "what it would really take" - and get themselves involved with Hansen in the activities of:
Science Council for Global Initiatives 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Plonk 1000 tons in the Countryside - Power under 2 tons in the City

Just What Goes Into A Wind Turbine?
Here's an Interesting Little Fact Sheet.
"What Mineral Products & Metals Are Needed To Make Wind Turbines"


Just What Comes Out Of A Wind Turbine
In the UK, for the whole of 2014, on average, each one of the 5,635 Wind Turbine generated just 569 kW each.
That's just enough to power 1 decent size of industrial electric motor:  

That's over 1,000 tons Steel and Concrete plonked in pristine countryside, destroying ecosystems and wildlife, to power under 2 tons of industrial electric motor in the city.

We need thousands of these prime movers to power all of our industrial and commercial activities, to perpetuate our way of life - standard of living ! 

The purveyors of this technology, based on such an obscene imbalance in the use of precious resources, have succeeded in getting it past the specialist advisers to our Prime Ministers and Presidents.

Their wicked success has stalled the progress of Gen IV Breeder Reactor programmes, taking us to the edge of the several precipices - a sick race between water wars, energy security wars and/or climate change!

It's time to get angry - really angry - with these morons.

Certainly, these 2 contrasting images should be plonked in front of every politician we come across, up to ministerial level and beyond!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

That's a Lorra Lorra Steel and Concrete to Boil 186 Kettles!

'Gold-Standard' data for wind energy comes from this site:  Renewables UK  The 'Onshore' + 'Offshore' Capacity is 12,119 MW. From the 29,534,391 MWh of 'Energy Produced', the average generational power works out at 3,369 MW, giving a Capacity Factor of 27.8%.

Page 16 of this site:  State of the Industry Report 2014 - Deployment  states: "...A snapshot of the UK wind industry taken on 30 June 2014 is shown in Table 1...". Page 15 shows 'Wind Energy Performance Totals'  - 'UK-wide Operating' as 11,183 MW.

It is very reasonable to apply the 27.8% Capacity Factor to this 'Total' to give generational power of 3,109 MW, working out at 27,252,389 MWh (27.252 TWh) of 'Energy Produced'.

From this:  Renewables UK  there are a total of 6,036 Onshore and Offshore turbines, meaning each one has a 2 MW capacity to give the 12,119 MW figure. So, the 30 June 11,183 MW means 5,591 x 2 MW turbines.

 5,591 wind turbines  generate 3,109 MW - so - 
each one is generating 556.07 kW

That's enough to boil 186 Kettles!

It is indeed



Sunday, 12 October 2014

92 Continuous Days of LoLo Wind - That's EverSoLo Electricity from Wind Turbines!

From the same website, it's possible to calculate the average power over that period. I worked it out. It was:
1.171 GW

A Capacity Factor of 13.4%

It's also possible to calculate that Gridwatch Templar monitors 78% of the 11,183 MW capacity shown in a report on this webpage:     renewableUK Reports     Scroll down to 'Wind Energy in the UK 12 November 2014'' (Page 15/Totals/UK wide). 

From this webpage:     renewableUK Wind Energy Database     it is possible to calculate that the average wind turbine is 2 MW in size. So the number of turbines monitored by Gridwatch Templar is 78% of 11,183 MW ÷ 2 MW
That's 4,361 Wind Turbines
So - FOR 3 MONTHS - They each supplied:     269 kW

That's just about enough to boil:     90 Kettles

400 feet High and 1000 tonnes of Concrete and Steel  
To Boil 90 Kettles!

At what point do Politicians recognise the Societal and Environmental Insanity of this technology?

Friday, 10 October 2014

World Future Council - WTF

World Future Council - Voice of future generations

Dangerous and Powerful.

How dare they claim to be the voice of the generations they are putting in jeopardy!

Delaying technologies that can supply all of the energy the human race can possibly use!

 And, publishing garbage about the 100% renewables 'solution'

Pragmatists among you, indeed anyone with a grain of common-sense, please get stuck into these energy-illiterate morons, at any opportunity presented to you.

Thank You.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Renewable Turkeys Vote For Coaly Christmas

Green village to be bulldozed and mined for lignite in Germany's quest for non-nuclear fuel

Mr Kapelle has lived in the 500-year-old village of Proschim in east Germany's Lausitz region for most of his life. He, his 350 neighbours and the local farming community have devoted themselves to the green cause. The village is surrounded by wind turbines and solar and biogas plants which provide 15,000 homes with electricity.

Proschim is just one of a cluster of east German villages and farms set to make way for new lignite mines. The fossil fuel is intended to "bridge" a widening energy gap resulting from the closure of Germany's nuclear power plants. "There are not yet enough renewable energy sources to compensate for the loss of nuclear power," said Matti Nedoma, a spokesman for Proschim's Prenac farm complex. "So to meet the shortfall we are being told we must burn more coal and destroy farms and villages in the process," he said.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's plan to end Germany's dependence on nuclear power by 2022 is set to bring about the destruction of Mr Kapelle's farm house and the rest of Proschim's buildings. More than 800 residents including some 400 from a neighbouring village will be resettled. 

Sigmar Gabriel, Chancellor Merkel's Energy Minister, claims that more lignite mines are vital: "We need strategic reserves of gas and coal power for the times when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine," he said.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

21 Days of Wind - Not Worth a FRAT


Wind Turbines – The Cancerous Spores of , Unwanted and Uneccessary Ugliness blighting our Countryside and Shoreline

Spawned by a Dream-Warped Intelligencia, feeding Half-Truths to enough Stupid People for Politicians to take heed.

Vote-grubbing, Gullible Politicians, giving a Little-Bit to everybody - as long as there's a vote in it - and handing our Tax £s on a platter, to the Already Wealthy.

 10½ GW of Installed Nameplate Capacity

  and all they’ve been capable of, for the past  21 Days is boiling kettles in less than 200,000 homes!

There are 21,500,000 homes in the UK - Wonder what the remaining 21,300,000 homes have been doing for their cups of tea?  
If Saving Greenhouse-Gas Emissions is the Name of the Game, it's a good job we've had a Steady 6 or 7 GW of Nuclear Power available 24/7 On Demand!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Well - I didn't know that !! 30 x More Steel, you say? Are you sure?

Is it possible for a staunch environmentalist to imagine how much more he or she, in supporting the 'renewables solution' to climate change, contributes to environmental destruction?

How Bellary was laid to waste !


Saturday, 18 January 2014

Coal, Glorious Coal - Sing Along with the Chorus to Germany's New Hit Musical!

Ve haf vays of getting it Rrong!

"...For all the talk about wind and solar, Germany's Energiewender is producing one big result - a return to coal. For an entire week last December, German's 23,000 windmills stood perfectly still. Solar didn't produce much power, either. Gas is still too expensive and so, unless the Germans are planning to do without power for weeks at a time, they need something to replace their nuclear reactors. That is coal..."
"...Germany's energy transition has also been a transition to coal: Despite multi-billion subsidies for renewable energy sources, power generation from brown coal (lignite) has climbed to its highest level in Germany since 1990. It is especially coal-fired power plants that are replacing the eight nuclear power plants that were shut down, while less CO2 intensive, but more expensive gas-fired power plants are currently barely competitive. Energy expert Patrick Graichen speaks of Germany's " energy transition paradox": the development of solar and wind farms, yet rising carbon dioxide-emissions..."

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Save the Planet! - - - - Yeeaahh - - - - Germany! Way to Go!!! - - - - NOT!!!

Associated Press – Tue, Jan 7, 2014 8:20 PM AEDT
BERLIN (AP) -- The share of electricity generated from coal rose in Germany last year as the country seeks to achieve its ambitious aim of switching off all nuclear power plants by 2022.
Industry figures published Tuesday show that bituminous coal and lignite together contributed 45.5 percent of Germany's gross energy output in 2013, up from 44 percent the previous year. (+ 1.5%)
Environmentalists criticize the increasing use of coal, saying it is a "dirty" source because of the large amount of carbon dioxide released when it is burned.
Heavily subsidized renewable sources such as wind, solar, biomass and hydropower also increased their contribution to 23.4 percentup from 22.8 percent in 2012. (+ 0.6%)
The share of nuclear power dropped to 15.4 percent from 15.8 percent(- 0.4%)